The Libsyn Pro network dashboard allows you full control over your advertising campaigns whether you are working with us to join in with our advertisers, or if you are bringing your own advertisers into our system.
If you are not already part of our advertising program and are interested in getting started, please contact for additional details.
Setting Up a Campaign for the Network
Once you are accepted into our advertising program, you can log into your Libsyn Pro network dashboard and click on Advertising button found in your main menu. Assuming you do not already have a campaign setup, click on the Add New Campaign button.
Campaign Title
The campaign title is visible to you and should be named in a way that helps you recognize what the campaign is. Whether you base campaigns on timing or advertiser, how you name your campaign is based on your own organizational needs.
Campaign Description
This field is optional, and allows you to enter a detailed description of the campaign that helps you recall your intention with the campaign later when you come back to it. This, also, is seen by you and is used for your own organizational needs.
Advertiser Type
Either you are using an existing advertiser that you've already entered in the system, or you are creating a new advertiser. In this tutorial, we assume you have not previously created your own advertiser.
New Advertiser Name
Enter the name of the advertiser. If you have created advertisers previously and your type is set to Use Existing Advertiser, the advertiser name is a selection box that allows you to pick the advertiser based on the name you entered.
Once you are done filling out the form, hit the Save button. You will then be redirected to your campaign configuration.
Now that you have a campaign to configure, you need to add an ad to run on that campaign. To do so, hit the Add Advertisement button.
Advertisement Title
The advertisement title is an identifier for the ad for you. Name the advertisement as something that you will recognize, that works with your workflow.
Advertisement Description
The description gives you an opportunity to elaborate a bit on what this ad will be, will be for. Again, this is for your organizational use.
Advertisement Media
The advertisement media cannot be added until after the ad is initially saved, as will be shown momentarily. With that said, this media file is the audio or video advertisement itself which is what will ultimately get stitched into your episodes.
Hit the Save/Add Media button. The page will refresh and you will have the opportunity to upload your media file.
Use the Upload tab and hit the Browse button to locate the media file for the ad on your local computer. The file will then upload.
Once the file is uploaded, hit the Save button to save the advertisement.
So now you have a campaign, and you have media for an ad attached to that campaign. You need next to configure when that ad should run.
Hit the Add Run button to schedule the ad, set it's filters, etc.
On this page, you can set the schedule for when the ad will run. Is your ad a week long program? Is it a holiday special? Whatever the dates, you can enter them here.
Use the calendar button to use the drop down calendar, or enter the date using YYY-MM-DD as the format to configure your start and end for this particular ad.
The Slot Number allows you to pick any of the slots the producer has set on the producer side (discussed further down in this article). You can pick between mid roll's 1 through 10.
Next, you can choose which shows on your network will play the ad during the episode. You can choose to run the ad on only one show, some of your shows, or all your shows. Use the
button to select the show to add.
Lastly, you can define policies by which the ad will follow. You can choose geographic filters (so the ad will only work within a certain geographic area), and/or by file type (audio or video).
As you can see above, you can set the country, and then you can select the DMA market. This is helpful if you are working with an agency or already have your DMA market number, making it easy to pinpoint the DMA market the ad will run in. Otherwise, you can select a region:
Once you pick your country and region, as you can see above you can also pick the city. This means you can run an ad for anyone listening in the United States, or you can run an ad for anyone listening in the US inside the state of Pennsylvania, or you can run an ad for anyone listening in the US inside the state of Pennsylvania listening from Pittsburgh.
File class allows you to pick if the ad will run on audio or video files.
With everything set, hit the Save button. Your campaign is now set for a date range, an ad has been created with the proper media file and policies.
Producer Side Ad Settings
The producer side of the dashboard can configure specific ad slots for a show. Earlier in this article, mid-roll slots were mentioned. A producer can chose where in an episode that mid-roll slot will run. To get started, log into the Show dashboard (NOT Network Admin) and go to Monetizing -- Advertising.
A list of your episodes will appear.
To configure a slot for an episode, hit the Edit Slots button.
You can add a new slot manually, which allows you to manually enter where in the episode the ad will play in the HH:MM:SS:mil format:
Alternatively, you can use our flash based slot picker:
This picker will allow you to listen to or watch your episode, and Mark as you hit a spot in the episode where you are ready to place an ad. Your first pick will be ad slot 1. Your second pick will be ad slot 2, etc (unless you've already manually added some slots, in which anything you pick here will simply be added to that list of slots).
If you use the slot picker or manual entry, what is listed here as slot 1 is what will be used from the network admin side under Mid-Roll Slot 1, and so on.
Getting Additional Help
Have questions? Contact our support staff at