Headliner is an awesome web app that allows you to create video clips from your audio podcast episodes for social and web sharing. Here, we answer some of the frequently asked questions you might have related to Headliner and Libsyn's integration with the service.
What plan level at Libsyn do I need to tie into Headliner?
Any plan level at Libsyn, from our $5 plans on up, have full access to our Headliner integration.
What plan level do I need at headliner to make video clips from my podcast episodes?
You can start with the free plan and upgrade from there! Headliner's plan levels can be found here.
What file formats does Headliner + Libsyn support?
Headliner directly supports many formats. However, the integration is built specifically for audio and currently supports MP3 and M4A.
Why doesn't the episode I want to send to Headliner show in the episode list?
Libsyn will only display episodes in the episode list with a media type that is supported by the integration. Any video episodes, text posts, or other posts that include media that is not an MP3 or M4A file will be excluded from the list in the Headliner widget.
I've gone through the 4 steps to prepare my clip, but moving to the next step is taking a while. Is it me?
Details on working with the integration can be found here. With that said, once you go through the four steps to customize your clip, Headliner will then fully ingest your media and transcode the media, creating the clip and preparing to put you into the clip editor for further customization and export.
Phew! That is a lot of work!
The longer or bigger your file is, the longer that process can take. Headliner will show you the progress of what it is doing, leave your window open in your browser and the clip editor will appear. It usually takes a few minutes, but again can take longer depending on your specific clip.
If the clip editor never appears, reach out to Headliner's team using the help widget in the lower right hand corner of any page in Headliner.
I'm having trouble signing up for a Headliner account. What do I do?
Details on signing up for a Headliner account can be found here. If you have any trouble, reach out to Headliner's team using the help widget in the lower right hand corner of any page in Headliner.
Who do I contact if I have other questions?
You can reach out to Libsyn by sending an email to support@libsyn.com. You can reach out to Headliner's team using the help widget in the lower right hand corner of any page in Headliner.
If you aren't sure which one you should contact, no worries! Just contact Libsyn and their friendly support team can point you in the right direction. :-)