Once you have logged into your Libsyn account, the first thing you will need to do is set up your Show Settings (assuming you plan to submit and distribute to various podcast directories).
This gets done under Settings --> Show Settings.

For a detailed explanation of all the fields available on this page, check out this tutorial. Here, however; we will cover those fields that you need and some best practices for podcast directories.
Show Title
Your show title will appear on your feed, in Apple Podcasts, on your Libsyn blog page, in your media player, everywhere you syndicate your show – your show title will appear. This can be changed at any time.
Do not enter additional keywords into this field. This is not permitted in Apple Podcasts. Only provide a proper show title.
Show Description
The show description is essentially an elevator pitch to your potential audience as to why they should subscribe to your show. This field is plain text and should only be a few sentences long. It is not searchable in Apple Podcasts and should not include arbitrary keywords. This description may also appear on your Libsyn blog page, or in the Libsyn Podcast Directory, as well as other syndication points for your show.
The website address field will default to your Libsyn blog page when our show is created. You can modify this to your own website URL if you have one hosted elsewhere. This gets sent to your RSS feed which Apple Podcasts and other directories will pick up on and may make available to your potential audience.
Show Type
This particular field is primarily for Apple Podcasts, most other directories don't bother with this field. However, it can help the display of your show in the Apple Podcasts App so we do recommend configuring it properly.
Your show type is either episodic or serial.
Episodic: Episodes are released chronologically and the order the listener listens doesn’t matter. The majority of shows currently are episodic.
Serial: Episodes are released in a specific order, and should be listened to in that order. This generally would apply to episodes that follow a storyline such as an audiobook.
Category (1, 2, & 3)
Apple and most other podcast directories are broken up by topic category. Listeners can filter podcast shows based on the topic they are interested in.
You can select multiple categories, hence, we provide you with three category selections. Apple Podcasts will always default to the topmost (first listed) category as your "home base", but you can be listed in all three categories if you choose to include them.
Contact Details
The Public Contact email, as well as the Owner Name and Owner Email, should all be entered. Keep in mind these will be in your RSS feed so they will be public, but podcast directories do use them to contact you so make sure what you enter here is reachable.
This field should include your name, the name of the company producing the podcast, or another appropriate name of the author of the show.
The author tag is searchable in Apple Podcasts. If details are not germane to your show or exceedingly spam-like, then Apple Podcasts will pull your show from the store.
If this field is left empty, Apple Podcasts will display 'unknown' instead. This field is also often referred to as the 'provider' or the 'artist'.
Keyword spam is forbidden in all fields, including the author. While the author is searchable in the Apple Podcasts system (as well as other directories), adding additional keywords beyond the actual author can cause your show to be removed from podcast directories.
Content Rating
Most directories require your show to be labeled as clean or explicit. If the feed is left as not set, the show will be marked as clean automatically.
If most of your show is clean, set your show as clean. If most of your show is explicit, set your show as explicit. You can also set individual episode content ratings as well, so if your whole show is clean but you have that ONE interview that drops THOSE words (for example), you can mark just that episode explicit.
Language Code
Language defaults to 'en' for English. However, if the majority of your show is spoken in a different language, use this setting to specify the language used in the show.
This copyright notice will populate your feed and will appear in any directory that displays the notice. If you include a year in your copyright notice, make sure to update the year listed after every New Year.
Show Artwork
Your show artwork is the image that will be used in various podcast directories (such as Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Spotify).
To upload your show artwork, hit Upload New, and then browse your computer for your image file. Note that Apple Podcasts is very specific as to the artwork they will accept, and most other directories simply follow their lead with regards to the images they will work with so it best to follow those requirements. Those requirements are:
1400x1400px minimum
3000x3000px maximum
Under 500kb in file size
Use sRGB Colorspace
Be a JPG, JPEG, or a PNG file
Your image should be somewhere between 1400x1400px and 3000x3000px in size, as long as it is square. That means your image could be 2000x2000px, but it cannot be 2000×20001px in size.
Hit Save at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
Move onto Step 2: Publishing Your First Episode!