You can access your account settings in the upper right hand corner of your dashboard. Click the dropdown arrow and hit Edit My Account.

The first section, Account Information, includes your first and last name, the name displayed in the dashboard, and the Email on file.

If you change the e-mail on file, that will change the e-mail address you use to log in with. Changing this address and saving your changes will present you with the following notice:

You will receive an e-mail at the original e-mail address asking you to confirm the change to the new. Make sure to click the link in the e-mail address to confirm the change. This change will not occur unless the change is confirmed.

Changing this e-mail address will not change the billing address. Please contact to change billing contact details.
You can also change your time zone settings. Your time zone settings will affect the dates and times episodes are actually published.

Important Note: The time zone setting does not affect statistics. It also does not affect storage rotation. Statistics, storage rotation, and all other functions (other than publishing) inside the Libsyn system are handled on UTC time.
Checking the e-mail notifications box above will enable e-mails for comments that are placed on the Libsyn generated blog page.
Lastly, you can update your account password.

An e-mail will be sent to the e-mail on file confirming that the password has been changed.
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