Occasionally, there is a need to replace a media file that has already been published. Libsyn specifically provides a replacement function when editing an already published episode.
Uploading Your New File
To get started, hover over Content on your main menu, and select Previously Published.

This will open a list of your currently published posts. Locate the episode in question and hit the pencil icon to edit the episode.

Your episode will open. This page should look familiar, it's the same page you use to create the episode. You can edit anything you wish on this page, but as we are looking to replace the media file, we will go ahead and hit the Replace button.

You will be asked how you want to upload your media file. Select the appropriate option, locate your updated media file, and allow the file to upload.

Once your file has finished uploading a File replacement Options box will appear displaying the different social options available. Check the box for the social network you want the replacement to occur on.

Note: Replacing the file on a social network is currently available for YouTube and Soundcloud. Checking this box will completely remove all likes, shares, comments, etc along with the current file on the social network. The URL to the post on the social network may change. The new file will be uploaded in its place. This action cannot be undone.
Saving Your Changes
Once the file is uploaded and you've made any other changes you wish to make, hit the Publish button to save your changes.
Important Note: The replaced file will take affect immediately for subscribers. The Apple Podcasts store may take up to a day to fully update. Any subscriber who had previously downloaded the episode will not be forced to re-download the newly updated copy. It is not possible to force a re-download (the only exception is to delete and recreate the episode entirely).
Note About Storage: Storage is affected by file replacements. If the file you are replacing is an archived file, the system will take the difference between the old file and the new file and apply that to your storage usage. If the file you are replacing is an active file, storage is cleared by the old file and used by the new file. More details on storage can be found here.
It is also worth noting that using this method to replace a media file does not require the file name to be the same.
Getting Additional Help
Have questions? Contact our support staff at support@libsynsupport.com.