A color swatch is a color setting you specify that you can then select from across Libsyn's system. Color swatches are especially handy if you have specific colors you use frequently from your branding, as setting a color swatch will prevent the need for memorizing certain hexadecimals (or at least looking them up every single time you need it).
To get started, log into your Libsyn dashboard and select Color Swatches under your Settings menu:

From here, you will see any swatches you've already created, and a button to create a new swatch. Hit Add Swatch:

You can hit Choose Color if you want to browse for a color, or you can directly enter the hex for the color you want to use.

With your color selected, you can give the color a name. This is strictly for your own organizational purposes.

With everything added, save your changes. You will get a confirmation that your swatch was saved, and you will see your new swatch in your list.

Where are swatches used?
Swatches can be used anywhere the system offers you the option to choose a color. This includes (but is not necessarily limited to) the custom media player and the podcast page destination.
Getting Additional Help
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