Gaana is the largest Indian commercial music streaming service with over 150 million monthly users and is one of the top 10 streaming services in the world. Gaana’s directory currently boasts more than 45 million songs across 45 genres and 28 languages, and has since expanded into offering podcast content to its users.
Libsyn is the first podcast hosting company to partner with Gaana, providing easy submission access straight from the Libsyn interface as a destination. This tutorial will walk you through submitting your show to Gaana step by step.
Preparing Your Show for Gaana
Select Destinations –> Add New:

Select to Add Gaana:

If you have not yet configured your show in Show Settings, you will get an alert that you need to fill in any missing fields.

Once those settings are configured, the submission form will become available.

Feed Extension: The Feed Extension generates the last part of the Gaana feed URL. In most cases, this should be left as its default setting.
Country of Origin: Select the country your show originates from the dropdown list provided. This is a required field for Gaana submission.
Category: Gaana uses different categories than Apple Podcasts and those following the Apple Podcasts specification uses. For that reason, a specific category needs to be set here, in the Gaana destination.
Approving Show Submission into Gaana
Once you are ready, check the box for Approve. This checkbox, upon saving the destination, will approve the destination for submission to the Gaana directory.

Lastly, hit the Save button to save your changes and push through the submission. Your show will be submitted to Gaana for approval.
Overrides & Advanced Options
Most of your configuration gets set under Settings — Show Settings and is set for Ganna automatically. However, overrides specific for Gaana, as well as other advanced configurations are available should you choose to use them.

Show Title (Override): Entering a title here will override the show title in this destination, compared to what is entered in Show Settings.
Author (Override): Entering an Author here will override the show title in this destination, compared to what is entered in Show Settings.
Description (Override): Entering a Description here will override the show title in this destination, compared to what is entered in Show Settings.
Use Show Image for Episodes: If you have uploaded episode artwork that doesn’t meet requirements or for other reasons, you want to quickly override episode artwork and use your show artwork instead, check this checkbox.
Episode/Post Limit: This setting limits the number of episodes in your Gaana RSS feed. By default, the Gaana RSS feed will show the newest 100 episodes. Setting the limit to No Limit will allow all episodes to be available in your Spotify feed.
Use Plain Text Description: If you are including additional formatting in your show notes that is causing any sort of validation issue with your Gaana RSS feed, check this box to quickly clean any formatting from your notes to ensure your RSS feed is fully valid. This is typically only used if you are encountering specific issues and errors with your feed that need a quick remedy.
Disable Dynamic Advertising: If your show has dynamic advertising enabled, checking this option would turn it off for Gaana.
Extra RSS Tags: If there is an extra RSS tag you want added to your Gaana RSS feed, you can include it here.
Note: This is a power user only feature that has the potential to break your feed. Only enter valid RSS tags as directed and only as needed.
Getting Additional Help
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