Libsyn’s HTML5 player can be placed on a post in Medium using either the Directory or Podcast Page URL to your episode.
First, grab the URL for the episode you want placed in your Medium post. Go under Content —> Previously Published and hit the Link/Embed button:

To embed into Medium using Embedly, one of two URLs can be used.
Directory URL
Important Note: The permalink needs to be set to the Libsyn Podcast Page, rather than a custom URL or a download URL.

Next, log into your Medium account and begin creating a new story.

Begin drafting your story, and place the URL you copied from Libsyn into your story where you wish the player to appear.

After a moment, the URL will update to display the player.

Thats it! Its as easy as grabbing the URL for your episode and pasting it into your Medium story and a player will appear.
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