Every Libsyn podcast show comes with an HTML5 media player. This media player will play audio and video, and includes several different skins to fit your needs. In this tutorial, we are going to walk through configuring the show player for your show.
Configuring the Show Player
To access the show player settings, hover over Destinations and select Edit or View Existing.

Hit Edit to edit the player destination.

From here, you can choose what theme to use by default with your player. There are 4 themes you can choose from, Legacy, Standard, Standard Mini, and Custom.

The Legacy player is a bare bones player theme that offers a basic menu and a visible timeline. This player supports audio and video.
Size requirement: The player must be 200px wide and 75px high at minimum.
The Standard player is more slimline than the Legacy player. Larger sized versions can include a menu and artwork. This player supports audio and video.
Size Requirement: The player must be 200px wide and 45px high at minimum.
Standard Mini
The Standard Mini player is almost identical to the Standard player in it's overall design, but it is slimmer, smaller, and primarily intended to be a minimal audio player. This player is intended for audio.
Size Requirement: The player must be 200px wide and 26px high at minimum.
The custom player theme offers sharing capability, a download button, and supports custom color choices.
This player also can be used as a simple player, or as a playlist player. It can either support all episodes in a show, or it can support a specific category filter.
This player supports audio and video.
Size Requirements:
Without the Playlist: The player must be 90px high at minimum. Width is automatically set to 100%.
With the Playlist: The player must be 250px high at minimum. Width is automatically set to 100%.

Enter the size you wish the player to be. Keep in mind whichever theme you chose has different size requirements (all noted above) in order for the player to operate correctly.
With the player theme and size all set, you can select other options with regards to the player operation.

Use Thumbnail
Enabling this checkbox will allow either your episode or show artwork to display in the player. Note for the Legacy, Standard, and Standard Mini players, the player must be sized appropriately for the image to appear.

Playback Direction
The player can be set to play from newest to oldest, or oldest to newest.
Render Playlist
Enabling this option will generate the custom player with a playlist. Note, the playlist option is only available on the custom player theme.

Custom Color
Using the Custom Player theme, you can choose the button colors to match your own theme. If you have already configured color swatches on your account, those will appear here for you to select from.

Select the Choose color button in order to choose the color you wish the player buttons to appear as. Once you choose the color you want, hit OK.
Hide Share
The hide share option will hide the share button on the player. Note, this only affects the Custom Player.
Hide Menu
The hide menu option turns off the menu, including download buttons, share buttons, and subscribe buttons. Not, this only affects the Custom Player.
Hit the Preview Player button in order to preview the player and the changes you have made.

Happy with your changes? Hit the Save button to save your changes.
Embedding the Show Player
To grab your embed code for your show player, hover over Destinations and select Edit or View Existing.

In the list of destinations, locate the player destination and hit Get Embed Code.
A preview will open, along with the embed code.

Copy the embed code and enter it into your site where you want the player embed.
Using Your Own Player
If you have a third party player you wish to use on your site, you are welcome to do so. Most third party players will pull from an RSS feed or from your download URL for the media file.
Make absolutely sure, when using a third party player, that the third party player does not preload media or autoplay content.
If you have questions regarding using your third party player, we recommend reaching out to the developer of that player.
Getting Additional Help
Have questions? Contact our support staff at support@libsyn.com.